Akarsh Kumar
Reconstructed NBA players as 3D stick figures given multiple RGB videos of the scene.
Estimated camera pose using a differentiable renderer matching synthetic views and real views of the court.
Won best project Image Processing class.
Audio Source Separation with GANs
Reimplementing Neuroevolution of Augmenting Topologies
Implemented NEAT (I was inspired this video).
Defined fitness of a neural controller in custom FlappyBird and CartPole environments.
code (from scratch in Java)
Reimplementing AlphaZero
Implementing Dense NN for MNIST
Developed a dense neural network to classify MNIST dataset.
Reached 97% accuracy on the test set.
Developed a visualization of the neural network activations, weights, and classification (left image).
code (from scratch in Java)
Developed a Genetic Algorithm to optimize keyboard layouts to reduce probability of typos.
Fitness defined as the (negative) number of pairs of words in English that are
orthographic neighbours
and physical neighbours on the keyboard.
code (from scratch in Java)
Computer Algebra System and Graphing Calculator
Developed a computer algebra system to parse mathematical text into a logic tree.
Manipulated expressions to simplify, compute, and calculate derivatives.
Developed a graphing calculator to render 1-D functions.
Utilized multi-threading to acheive mouse dragging, zooming, and markable points.
code (from scratch in Java)
Strategic Anomalies
Revived the popular strategy board game Tactics Area Online.
Implemented multiple unique characters with unique abilities, on-hit effects, and long-lasting effects.
Utilized multithreading, file IO, Java Swing, server-client paradigm.
code (from scratch in Java)
Computer Programming 3 and Graphics Programming
Computer Programming 3
Graphics Programming
Free Geek Volunteering
Developed software for tracking volunteers’ hours for a nonprofit company (used in production for 3 years)
Allowed admin access and export of statistics and reports.
code (from scratch in Java)
Valentine's MatchMaker
Developed a Valentine's day match maker program to match people based similarity of quessionaries.
Used at scale for students in Fayetteville High School.
Algorithm was based on a fair model where most unique candidates had priority.
code (from scratch in Java)
Physics Simulation
Developed a C++ library on top of OpenGL to mimic the capabilities of
Java Swing.
Supported windowing, rendering custom shapes, images, and hierarchical pane layouts (like gridlayout).
code (from scratch in C)
Chat Service
Developed client-server paradigm chat platform capable of
sending texts, images, and files in iMessage style GUI.
Won best project in Software Design II class.
Embedded Systems First Person Shooter
Developed a first person shooter for an embedded system inspired by
Call of Duty Zombies: Kino der Toten.
Move, aim, and shoot the zombies as they spawn in rounds.
Zombies drop ammunition when killed, and you need to go pickup the ammunition to shoot.
Originally used ray tracing for rendering, but this was too slow for the embedded system.
Opted for a simpler but faster rasterization method.
Won best project in Embedded Systems class.
code (from scratch in C)
iOS Apps
I made an instagram clone, twitter client, movie browser, and a tip calculator.
code (Swift): twitter